Four ways gamification can motivate employees

Modern-day tech organisations want to continue to build a happy, collaborative and productive working environment where staff feel they’re vitally important to the firm’s commercial success.

With no two days ever the same in a rapidly evolving sector such as digital, many colleagues almost expect their enterprises to keep up and provide an encouraging atmosphere – allowing them to innovative and develop ideas for their enterprise can remain ahead of the curve.

A great way to achieve a positive, creative and motivated workforce is through gamification.

Utilising what’s already in existence, such as a company website or app, and modernising them with game-based features can galvanise staff to participate and engage with the product even further – instilling brand loyalty and a passion to drive success.

But why should tech businesses think about gamification when it comes to transforming their enterprises and maintaining a productive and inspiring place to work?

1. It encourages innovation

Many digital firms often talk about providing ‘value’ when producing entertaining content or visually engaging social media posts, but do they truly understand what this word can specifically mean for employees?

Empowering staff to add their voice and suggest ways in which its enterprise can utilise gamification can go a long way towards colleagues feeling that they’re making a significant impact. Providing the tools to offer value for customers through innovative ideas can not only keep the creative juices flowing but instil a need for employees to strive even more towards success.

From an organisational point of view too, an enterprise willing to act upon strong employee suggestions can often help towards attracting top tier talent and promote positive word of mouth endorsements online, as a result.

2. It can help develop skills

A powerful way for workforces to evolve at the same pace as technology is through upskilling. A team with the opportunity to understand and utilise gamification should begin to possess a greater know-how, because its members are given the time to learn on-the-job and build on their expertise.

Additionally, people wanting to advance in their careers can prove to be invaluable for enterprises – especially during a tech talent skills shortage. And, there’s even more chance for digital firms to retain their savviest staff if they are committed towards developing them further.

3. It can be rewarding

Promoting healthy competition between colleagues can typically be a strong way of motivating workforces to ‘do more’. Let’s face it, people thrive in an environment that’s welcoming and recognises achievements.

A great way of bringing in an incentivised approach via gaming features is through a points-based leaderboard. For example, scores can be given for the number of shares and clicks employees have generated from sharing posts on social media – and the ones with the most engagement get to ‘battle it out’ at the summit.

Encouraging people to up their game – especially if there’s a reward at the end of the month or year for the ‘Most Valuable’ employee – can be the inspiration staff need, in order to stay motivated.

Organisations keen to introduce a leaderboard which provides relevant data in relation to their social media activity should check out our gamification feature!

4. It can promote employee advocacy

Maintaining momentum and encouraging staff to utilise slick, engaging online tools can be further helped through an internal project that promotes collaboration.

An Employee Advocacy Programme can be an effective, strategically savvy way for brands to build meaningful relationships with their desired audience. Why? Because it’s their own workforces talking directly to customers.

That means consumers don’t feel as if they’re being ‘sold to’ because they’re speaking to someone they trust, rather than a ‘faceless’ brand. As a digital extension of word-of-mouth marketing too, staff are the ones taking ownership of the organisation’s online messaging and generating the critical conversations that can lead to a conversion.

An example of achieving this through game-based methods could be developing an online feature whereby people can share engaging content one another has produced and push out to their social media connections.

Overall, gamification enables people to promote who they work for, and be proud of the role they play. It’s an opportunity for brands to show workforces that they care and speak to targets in an engaging way.

SoAmpli thrives on gaming features and understands exactly how hugely motivational they can be. Find out more by booking a free demo with us today.

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