No matter if you are a startup or a large corporation it is always nice to receive an acknowledgement of your work. Sometimes we get so focused on our daily routine and the enormous world of social media, that we forget to stop and appreciate those small victories that prove our commitment to employee advocacy. This blog post is going to fix this.
We at SoAmpli do not usually brag about our achievements, but sometimes we have to share good news with our readers. In November 2014 we attended the famous Websummit, which was held in Dublin, Ireland. This event presents an amazing opportunity for tech companies to network, learn about innovation and present their products. Websummit’s slogan “where the tech world meets” is greatly appropriate as we felt like we were in the world capital of tech trends. Some of the world’s smartest minds were among the attendees including Werner Vogels (CTO of Amazon) Drew Houston (Founder of Dropbox) Padmasree Warrior (Chief Technology and Strategy Officer of Cisco) Bono (Musician, U2) and many more. We cannot stress the importance of such an event to the industry, especially for startups! The guidance and advices that we got from the top companies were truly priceless, not to mention that we shared our own experience and ideas. Frankly, we were thrilled simply to be present at such an event but to our surprise we also received a gift from one of the largest and most innovative Internet companies in the world. As you might have guessed from the title, it is Google. Tech giant gave us $10.000 in cloud credit. A contribution in SoAmpli, we very much appreciate. Thank you Google for the credit and for caring about employee advocacy, we promise to use it wisely! Also, thanks to the Websummit, this would not have happened if it was not for this brilliant event. This little victory gives us even more motivation to ensure that eventually every brand in the world will understand the importance of employee advocacy.